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Sleep Disordered Breathing
About Disease

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is constituted by a range of conditions that disrupt normal breathing patterns during sleep, leading to poor sleep & health complications.


Sleep Disordered Breathing Symptoms

Sleep disordered breathing symptoms may vary but some common signs include chronic snoring, gasping for air during sleep, daytime fatigue, and frequent awakenings at night. Individuals may also experience morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and unexplained weight gain. Early and timely recognition of these signs are crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans.

Sleep Disordered Breathing Symptoms

Sleep Disordered Breathing Diagnosis

Sleep disordered breathing diagnosis involves a comprehensive approach ensuring accurate identification and leading to timely interventions and effective treatments.

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Sleep History and Symptom Review

Detailed patient interviews are conducted to assess sleep patterns, symptoms, and risk factors for SDB in individuals.

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Physical Examination

Polysomnography (Sleep Study) A comprehensive overnight study can be conducted in a sleep lab to measure various physiological parameters during sleep.

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Home Sleep Apnea Testing (HSAT)

Portable devices are used to monitor breathing patterns, oxygen levels, and heart rate during sleep at home for patients’ convenience and ease.

Management and Treatment

Sleep Disordered Breathing Treatment

Sleep disordered breathing treatment is tailored to the severity of the condition and the individual’s specific needs. Options include lifestyle modifications, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy, positional therapy, oral appliances, and surgical interventions for more severe cases. GreenKey Health’s comprehensive approach also emphasizes early detection and management of comorbidities to enhance overall patient outcomes.

How GreenKey Helps

By offering access services to specialists for early diagnosis, appropriate therapies, and personalized treatment plans, GreenKey helps patients receive better care for Sleep Disordered Breathing and related comorbidities.